Jumping Spider (Metacyrba taeniola ssp. taeniola)

Jumping Spider

One of my favorite subjects is jumping spiders. They are one of my favorite things to find in the wild and take photos of. Most of them are very curious with bold personalities. This one was no exception.

I watched it walk across several plants and flowers – getting some pollen stuck to itself before disappearing for a while. It emerged later on a different plant, all clean. I managed to get photos both times before it hid forever.

Jumping spider covered in pollen walking around on various plants.

As with most things I take photos of, I like to see what I can find out about them later. Usually this is a process of some really ridiculous search terms for colors, banding, stripes, locations, and more in an attempt to identify the subject. Sometimes, such as in this case, I can’t find what I need so I turn to others for help. This time, a kind Redditor helped me place it. This is a Metacyrba taeniola ssp. taeniola. There is no “common name” for this one that I could find and no facts more fascinating than your basic jumping spider facts.

I did get some pretty cool photos of the little guy, tough. Enjoy!