Rattlesnakes on Earth Day
Let’s celebrate Earth Day with timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus)!
Let’s celebrate Earth Day with timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus)!
As a macro photographer, it is exciting to find surprises in my photography I otherwise couldn’t see.
I went on an early morning walk in the forest and took some beautiful macros of a butterfly covered in dew.
Today, I found a couple of scorpions while hiking in the woods. Here’s what I learned about them.
I found a snail eating a mushroom on a walk in the forest. Then, I found a sound clip someone made of a snail eating!
One of my favorite subjects is jumping spiders. They are one of my favorite things to find in the wild and take photos of.
Ferns have been around an estimated 350-million (or more) years. Learn a little more about ferns and how fascinating they are!
Why do frogs have gold specks in their eyes? Let’s look at this Southern Leopard Frog to see what we can find. Hint: not much.
This is a female brown widow (Latrodectus geometricus) spider. Learn more about why you shouldn’t fear them – but respect them.