Categories and Tags for Everything

What have I gotten myself in to?

As I piece the site together, I decided early on that a few things would be very important, for both accessibility and technical reasons:

  • All images will be in WEBP format
  • All images will have a descriptive alt tag
  • All images will be tagged and categorized

I did not realize what I was getting myself in to by giving myself these rules. The most time-consuming thing will be adding descriptions, categories, and tags to everything. At least, while the site is getting put together and images are added in bulk. It will be easier in the future when images are only coming in a few at a time, but at the time of writing this – I had just finished adding these things to almost 100 images uploaded for the 2018 gallery. Which was not even one of the most productive years for me.

Future me will appreciate this when or if I decide to implement features that use categories and tags and I’m sure that people using screen readers will be very happy for the added accessibility. But I hate it. At least in bulk.