2019 Retrospect

2019 in Review

I spent a lot of time with my macro photography lens and learned more about how to capture the things I wanted the way I wanted. My style became more and more developed and one of my top photos ever taken was done this year. I began to really enjoy shooting in low-light and also enjoyed all of the new things I was discovering thanks to the macro lens.

The macro lens never failed to impress me. There were many times I would import the photos for processing and find fascinating things in the images: Insects hiding on flowers that were too small for me to see; pollen grains on flowers; the scales of a moth’s wings; mushroom spores… And more.

Amber looking through the fenestration of a monstera leaf.

Another big improvement this year was after I got tired of my photos always being too dark or too red once I exported from the computer and viewed them on other devices. This is when I researched color calibration and saved up for some new monitors. Now, it is much easier to make sure skin tones are not red and colors are not over-saturated.

I also began to pay more attention to composition and learn how to make things more interesting. Overall, it was another great year for learning and improvement as a photographer.